January 2021 will be our last meeting as part of PASS. I-380 PASS will continue to meet as we have after PASS ceases operations on January 15, 2021. Many details will change, but the core of who we are and what we do will continue with little or no difference to our members. Our leaders will be a different story, but we handle change pretty well!
The meeting will start with socializing and discussion at 17:30 CT (23:30 UTC). Feel free to bring snacks, questions, and if you have any particularly special Holiday booty (presents), bring that too to show off! The discussion and questions about the group may well run over the 30 minute time frame. If it does run over, we will pause the group discussion so that the technical presentation runs on time, then resume discussion about the group afterwards.
Our final technical presentation will start at 18:00 CT (00:00 UTC). Deepthi Goguri will present on SQL Server Internals and Architecture.
Abstract: SQL Server Internals and Architecture
Many DBAs and Developers work with SQL Server but don’t fully understand how it really works behind the scenes. Join Deepthi on her dive into the internals of SQL Server to explain why knowing what goes on under the covers will help you make better decisions quickly when solving performance problems in SQL Server. This session will cover ACID properties, key components of the Cache in SQL Server, Relational Engine, Storage engine and the Transaction manager. You will learn how SQL Server manages Plan cache and Buffer pool and how SQL Server optimizer choose the plans. We will also cover what happens under the covers during read and write operations within SQL Server. This session also has Demos showing how components of SQL Engine works for queries. Deepthi will show you how the SQL engine thinks – enabling you to think like it!
The GitHub repository for this slide deck is available at: https://github.com/DeepthiGoguri/SQL-Server-Internals-and-Architecture
Speaker: Deepthi Goguri, SQL Database Administrator Intone Networks Inc
Deepthi is a SQL Server Database Administrator with 7+ years of experience in administering SQL Servers. She is a Microsoft certified Trainer and professional with an Associate and Expert level certification in Data Management and Analytics. Deepthi completed her Masters in Computer Technology at Eastern Illinois University. She blogs for DBANuggets.com.